The seas around you have remained the same before and since the days of the greatest Admiral these waters have seen, Kanhoji Angre, after whose exploits this ship on which you are a guest, is named, and so first things first, a small token of respect and thanks to the Seas. Different people have different ways of doing this, some touch their forehead to the gangway on the entrance and departure, some salute the flags on the mainmast or stern, some raise their hands in benediction, some play the bugle or sing a song, some just observe a moment or more of inner silence, and so much more.

We on Angriya value all of them. Thank you for your good wishes. And once again, don't forget to read the safety briefings as well as follow the Golden Rules - don't touch anything you are not supposed to, leave everything wherever you found it, and please don't take risks.
Now, on to the fun part!
The swimming pool is right aft, and subject to timings as well as weather conditions, please enquire from the duty staff before entering it. Please wear proper swimming attire. Women and children get precedence over men at sea for everything, please remember, and be gracious in vacating the pool voluntarily for them.
Sunset will be one of the high points of your cruise, again, subject to the God of Clouds, Saranyu. As Aditi, celestial mother of all Gods watches over all of us, and Indra, King of the Gods decides weather for us, it is Saryu who will set on right (starboard) side of the Angriya when sailing Mumbai to Goa, and again Saryu set on the left (port) side on the Goa to Mumbai leg. Easier, on the seaward side.

Sunrise, Ushas, is on the landward side on this route. Do you know which side is landward on each leg? Personally, as seafarers, the mystique of sunrise does way better for people of the Seas, so try to be up well before morning twilight becomes dawn. The deep inky blue of the darkest hours before dawn skies merges seamlessly with the dark blue-black of the seas to change to grey with a faint horizon and then all the colours of the world emerge from the twilight before sunrise. Take our word for it - fewer people will be around for sunrise and any spot where you can find solitude will work.
Sailing in and out of harbor is another exercise you would not like to miss. As intricate, if not more, than a ballet! Whilst the largest crowds assemble on the foc'sle or front part of the ship, you may wish to observe the proceedings by walking around and observing the various functions - tugs, ropes, engine, breakwaters, other ships, pilot boarding and disembarking, flags and signals exchanged. Please stay clear of operational areas at all times but especially during these manoeuvres.

Food & Beverages - an important part of the Angriya experience, and one that you must enjoy to the maximum. We also have a small library, a nightclub, and speciality restaurants. We request you not to take food to the cabins for safety and hygiene reasons. Please ask our crew if you have to eat in the cabin, we shall try to assist you to the best of our abilities, and a cleaning charge may be levied.
Angriya shall pass many lighthouses landward side en-route. These are shown on maps and charts which you can download earlier. See how many you can recognize at night. If you see and recognize the characteristics of two or more lighthouses at the same time, then using your compass you can take approximate "bearings" to get a rough idea of our position.
Likewise, looking at the sunrise and sunset is fun, but did you know that's how seafarers navigated? Again, using your smartphone or compass enabled devices, take a bearing of the rising and setting sun, record the time, and try to see if you can figure out our ship's position at that moment? Ofcourse, you can re-calibrate with your GPS!
Another experience you may wish to observe or even record for posterity, at night if you have good night vision equipment, is the many fishing fleets we will often encounter off the coast. Spare a moment to think of the people who work on these small boats, the real seafarers, to put fresh sea-fish on your plate.
Dolphins used to be in hundreds or even thousands but like everything else with climate change, have moved on it seems. Still, if we get lucky and see a large school of dolphins, do take a video if possible.
Bioluminescence on the surface of the oceans cannot be predicted, but is one of the most amazing sights that human beings at sea can encounter. If we spot any, we will try to make an announcement, so keep an ear open. Do check that the speakers in your cabins are on full volume at all times.
By Capt. Veeresh Malik
Mariner and Travel Writer, India.